The Right Way to Stop Snoring

Since my last post on my attempts to stop snoring has been such a great hit, I feel I owe it to my readers to share the method I found to stop snoring that is finally working for me…

As you all know, my snoring problem has had such a huge impact on my life, from sleepless nights, to sleeping in separate rooms (my wife practically bought another bed and placed it in the office at the far end of the house!), to a broken marriage (thank you all for showing your love and support over the last year – as of last month Marry and I are back together!!), and I am now at a point in life in which I do not dread going to sleep anymore. I know I will sleep well through the night and I know my wife will greet me — in bed, with a smile on her face after a quiet night’s sleep.

For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with my blog, over the last year I became obsessed with finding an end to my unfortunate snoring condition. From countless doctor visits, weekly product unboxing (your favorite post of the week!!), consultations with sleep professionals, to even considering surgery, I had become the guinea pig of all snoring related solutions. I must admit this was turning into a little fetish of mine. Every week I would order a new product I found or that was recommended to me by my readers, would spend about an hour unboxing and reviewing it on my blog (stay tuned for my next post showcasing all my snoring product reviews), and then spend the rest of the week responding to all your emails. Luckily I’m retired and found the time to do it all 😊😊😊

I know that most of you are uncomfortable admitting you have a snoring problem and I feel blessed to have such a warm and open community that stuck with me till my final recovery. It’s a new year and I feel strong, capable and healthy and I know that my wife and I will not suffer anymore from my snoring at night. This problem does not haunt me anymore. I sleep well and quietly at night and my wife does too. And our marriage has been the best it has ever been! So I want to thank you all again for all your product recommendations, your endless emails and questions, and everything else that led up towards discovering this program that has finally proven to work for me and for my followers who have shared their success stories. Here’s to a SNORE-FREE 2018 🍺🍺 !!!

And now I feel it’s time for me to give back what I owe to you, and make sure you too succeed and stop snoring with this natural method. Ironically, I had originally dismissed this program that was recommended to me by one of my readers (thanks @andyb1!) because I was busy testing out a new (and much more expensive) anti-snoring device which I later sent back because it didn’t work for me. Unlike earlier products I wrote about that always seemed so promising, this new method designed by a company called OptimumSleep did not promise another magical way to cure snoring but instead asserted one simple claim: to reduce your snoring by up to 87% through a combination of tongue and throat exercises. To be honest, at the time I much preferred to try a “pay and forget” solution to snoring that wouldn’t require any work on my part. But today I know that any solution must require a bit of work and commitment on your part. This does not require much, just a few minutes a day (I practice it in the shower), and the results start showing during the first month into the program (see my post called “first month into the Optimum Sleep Protocol”).

Here’s How it Works

If you snore it most likely means that your breathing airways are partially obstructed due to weakened and loose muscles:

So in order to correct those faulty muscles, we need to train them to realign in a way that would allow air travel freely without friction. So if we elimanate the friction, the snoring sounds are can not be produced! Here’s a how you should be breathing which can be achevied by practicing the proper exercises:

The problem with severe snoring (which was my diagnoses) is that it’s a real condition that affects not only me but everyone around me. I used to play it down every time my partner (that was before I met my loving and patient Marry) accused me of keeping her up at night because I snored so loud. I’m not sure if that’s what ended our relationship but that was still an early stage before the conditioned escalated. Over time my snoring increased in quantity and volume and that’s when things started to get bad, really bad. It was about a year ago when I met my then to be wife Marry and had just been diagnosed as a sever snorer. As much as my partner is an understanding person, after a few nights without sleep and with me being fully to blame for that, everything started falling apart. It didn’t take long for me to realized just how much my life was affected by this problem.

Another problem with snoring is that it is inconsistent and can get worse over time if not treated. In fact, the sooner you treat it the higher your chances are of ridding yourself from it. What I like about OptimumSleep’s program is that it addresses the problem right from the source. Instead of relying on external devices, their method focuses on strengthening the muscles in your face that are exactly responsible for the problem. Their online 12 week program takes a very systematic approach and presents the exercises you need to do that eventually prevent the root cause for snoring. You’re basically acquiring the tools that will let you cure yourself from snoring.

During the first month into the program, I certainly had my doubts. That a natural solution to such a serious problem could even be possible sounded far fetched to say the least. But I decided to continue with it anyway, mainly because I already promised to post a review about the exercises it contained. And then towards the end of the second week was when I started noticing a change. My breathing at night had become more relaxed and controlled and the volume of my snoring was reduced by about 50%. I was the first time my partner did not wake me up at night with a blow to my thigh. By the end of the third week, a new sleeping pattern started to form in which I noticed extended periods of time that I didn’t snore at all. Then by the fifth week, snoring was becoming a thing of the past. I did not wake up anymore at night. The frequent to occasional choking has gone away completely, and my wife does not complain anymore about this. I continued with the full 12 week program but I already knew I had acquired what I needed and that I won’t suffer from snoring anymore.

The method which they call The OptimumSleep Protocol, seems so obvious to me now that I’m ashamed to say how much money I spent on all the devices I’ve tested before. In my next post I’ll summarize the pros and cons of all the products I’ve tested, but my search for a cure has come to an end and I believe this solution will benefit anyone who can get himself to commit to just a few minutes of exercises a day. I know you can do it and please share your success stories with me! [edit: 14 people have already emailed me their success stories. I’ll share them here next week. Keep up the good work!].

As usual, I always enjoy reading your emails and answering your comments.

Next Page »

P.S. I’m pretty sure they still offer a free trial. You can get it here if it’s still available.


  1. Snoring keeping you up at night? Study finds mouth and tongue exercises significantly curb snoring.
  2. Effects of oropharyngeal exercises on patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
  3. Oropharyngeal and tongue exercises for snoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  4. Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Breakthrough New Snoring Solution is Beacon of Hope for Millions of People Around the World Suffering from Chronic Snoring.

How shall I say this… I used to snore so bad that my wife thought I was going to die from it. Sounds a bit much right? dying from snoring? that’s what I thought too, but then she explained to me what sleep apnea was and that’s when I really started freaking out.

I learned what a CPAP mask was and I could not believe that I would actually have to wear this horrible thing to bed every night for the rest of my life! How could this be?! It seemed like a bad dream.

At first, I was in denial of the whole situation, thinking that if I ignore it it will go away. Then my wife put her foot down and made me take a long hard serious look into a CPAP mask to solve my snoring issues. Once again I was forced to look reality straight in the face. I could not imagine having to wear that dreaded mask every time I go to bed. The discomfort, the noise it makes, setting it all up making sure it’s on right, looking like an old man in the hospital every time I go to sleep.. it was all too much, but I really did not know what else to there any alternative to this horrible contraption?? I thought to myself.

I really did not want to succumb to getting a CPAP, so I tried as much as possible to postpone the inevitable.. but my snoring simply got unbearable for my wife. Facing the truth of my situation, a reality I could never accept, in which I was sleeping with a horrible contraption strapped to my face every night for the rest of my life ( have you see one of these things?!?), I decided to go into full research mode and dig deep in order to find an alternative solution.

Once I decide to get into something I go “all in” and so I immersed myself with everything there was to know about snoring, obstructed sleep apnea (OSA) and the grave risks associated with leaving it untreated. That’s when I stumbled upon what I was looking for, a solution to snoring and sleep apnea that did not require a CPAP… Did my wish just come true?

This is what I discovered:

First I learned that snoring is much worse than an inconvenience. Often, it is an early sign of Obstructed Sleep Apnea which has all sorts of health issues associated with it.

  • It causes things like:

    Heart Attack
    Memory Loss
    Erectile Dysfunction
    Memory Loss

And a whole bunch of other awful consequences. I dug deeper into my research and found a clinical study that literally changed my life forever. This study was published in Chest magazine, a highly regarded medical journal. The gist of the study? Snoring and OSA can be cured by something called oropharyngeal exercises… or in layman’s terms “Anti-snoring exercises”.

I had no idea what anti-snoring exercises were but hey..anything is better than a CPAP! As it turns out this solution was better than anything I could have imagined. Not only would I not need to wear the dreaded CPAP.. but I wouldn’t need to wear anything! …No mask, no mouthpiece, no chinstrap, no nasal strip (most of which have actually been proven not to work).

All I would need to do is perform these anti snoring exercises for approximately 8 weeks and my problems would be cured. This sounded too good to be true. As it turned out, not only was it true but it was proven in clinical studies to treat snoring and OSA.

So what are these anti snoring exercises?

Well, simply put, these are exercises for your mouth, jaw, tongue, and throat that tighten up muscles that have become loose, flabby and saggy over the years. It is these loose flabby muscles that collapse and obstruct your air passageways which result in breathing problems and snoring. When you tighten up these muscles, you fix the root cause of snoring. So not only is this an unobtrusive, comfortable solution, but it is also the most effective one out there that addresses the root of the problem rather than just slapping on a “band-aid” type fix to silence the snoring.

These anti snoring exercises were better than anything I have encountered throughout my research. Better than nasal strips, mouthpieces, sprays, positional adjusters and definitely better than a CPAP mask!

I had to try these anti snoring exercises… I felt like my life was about to change forever… I mean, this solution was proven in clinical trials! And so I did. I started feeling drastic improvements after only two weeks of doing the exercises.

…and after 8 weeks?

My snoring and sleep apnea were cured.
Nothing more, nothing less… I could not believe it, I was ecstatic!

The anti-snoring exercise program I used (known as the Optimum Sleep Protocol) is so clearly explained and easy to do, and it’ actually quite fun. It consists of tongue, mouth, jaw, and throat exercises all put together into one easy to understand program. The bottom line is, not only does it work, but it works better than anything I could have imagined.

In many ways, I feel like I got my life back. My wife is happy, I’m healthy, and the thought of having to wear a CPAP mask is no longer looming over my every thought. I can now confidently say that I’m cured.

Since then thousands of people across the world have used the anti-snoring exercises to cure their snoring and sleep apnea issues.

One huge advantage of the Optimum Sleep Protocol is that you get instant access to it once you purchase it. You do not need to wait for anything in the mail. You buy it securely on their site, instantly get a username and password, and can start the anti-snoring exercises right away.

If you thought it couldn’t get any better, well, it can… these guys are so confident in their program (and now I understand why), that they actually give you a 60-day money back guarantee. So if for whatever reason it didn’t work for you, you get your money back with no questions asked.

Take it from someone who stared the CPAP monster in the face and lived to tell the tale… There is a better way.

If you want to quit snoring then give the Optimum Sleep Protocol a try. You have nothing to lose (literally nothing to lose thanks to their money back guarantee) and everything to gain!

Next Page »

P.S. I’m pretty sure they still offer a free trial. You can get it here if it’s still available.


  1. Snoring keeping you up at night? Study finds mouth and tongue exercises significantly curb snoring.
  2. Effects of oropharyngeal exercises on patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
  3. Oropharyngeal and tongue exercises for snoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  4. Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.